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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
14 jun 20161 Min. de lectura
Water Security Statistics: May 2016
#lifeguards #ProgramaManejodeCostero #CoastalManagementProgram #seguridadacuatica #WaterSecurityReport #beachsafety Get prepared...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
7 jun 20161 Min. de lectura
World Oceans Day
Join us on Wednesday, June 8 for a Beach Cleanup to celebrate World Oceans Day. Plastic trash is choking our oceans and wildlife. We need...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
13 may 20161 Min. de lectura
Water Security Statistics: April 2016
#lifeguards #ProgramaManejodeCostero #CoastalManagementProgram #seguridadacuatica #WaterSecurityReport #beachsafety
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
13 may 20162 Min. de lectura
Understanding Tourist influence on Akumal Bay
Names: Dieuwertje Roelofsen and Marieke van Liere Country: Netherlands Program: Coastal Management Program Project: Understanding Tourist...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
26 abr 20161 Min. de lectura
Nesting season is almost here
It’s almost time! Any day now we are expecting to see the first turtle tracks and/or nests on the beaches of Akumal. CEA staff and...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
22 abr 20161 Min. de lectura
Sustainability Week: Refresher Workshop
As part of our participation in CicloSiete, our third activity was a refresher workshop covering information on the fish refuge,...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
19 abr 20161 Min. de lectura
Sustainability Week: Zero Waste
As part of our participation in CicloSiete, our second activity was Zero Waste Day in collaboration with the primary school Francisco...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
19 abr 20162 Min. de lectura
Near Drowning in Akumal Bay / Semiahogamiento en la Bahía de Akumal
On Monday, April 18, an American couple was snorkeling in Akumal Bay when the wife suffered a near-drowning incident. The husband brought...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
16 abr 20161 Min. de lectura
Sustainability Week: Community Biologist
As part of our participation in CicloSiete, our first activity was Community Biologist on Saturday, April 16. Two students--Santos...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
12 abr 20161 Min. de lectura
Water Security Statistics: March 2016
#lifeguards #ProgramaManejodeCostero #CoastalManagementProgram #seguridadacuatica #WaterSecurityReport #beachsafety
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
9 abr 20162 Min. de lectura
Getting to the beach in Akumal
On a daily basis, CEA gets inquiries about the beach entrance through the property. Here are some of the common questions and responses....
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
8 abr 20161 Min. de lectura
Sustainability Week
CEA is participating in CicloSiete, or Sustainability Week (La Semana por la Sostenibilidad): a seven day Latin American-wide event...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
10 mar 20162 Min. de lectura
Project World School gets involved
On February 23 and 25, ten teens from Project World School teamed up with our staff to learn and participate in some of our ongoing...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
7 mar 20161 Min. de lectura
Akumal Bay Marine Refuge for protected species declared
AKUMAL, QUINTANA ROO—In today’s posting to the Diario Oficial de la Federacion, Akumal Bay has officially been decreed a Marine Refuge....
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
2 mar 20162 Min. de lectura
Field Work with Turtles
Name: Samanta Zbinden Country: Canada Program: Coastal Management Program Projects: Sea Turtle ID + Sea Turtles and Snorkelers'...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
2 mar 20161 Min. de lectura
Water Security Statistics: February 2016
#seguridadacuatica #ProgramaManejodeCostero #watersafety #beachsafety #CoastalManagementProgram #WaterSecurityReport
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
5 feb 20161 Min. de lectura
Water Security Statistics for January 2016
#seguridadacuatica #ProgramaManejodeCostero #watersafety #beachsafety #CoastalManagementProgram #WaterSecurityReport
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
27 ene 20165 Min. de lectura
Three potential tragedies averted by Akumal lifeguards and Red Cross paramedics
In the past week alone, there have been three serious incidents in Akumal Bay. Thanks to the quick actions of lifeguards and paramedics,...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
12 ene 20162 Min. de lectura
Chumming the bay or a rare sighting?
We have been made aware of recent videos filmed in Akumal which are now circulating through social media. The videos give us great...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
30 dic 20152 Min. de lectura
Snorkeling in Akumal
From Facebook to emails and walk-in inquiries, here are some of the most commonly asked questions about snorkeling in Akumal. Does CEA...
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