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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
27 oct 20212 Min. de lectura
XIX Festival de la tortuga marina 2021, sede: Akumal.
El festival de las tortugas marinas se celebra desde hace 19 años al final de la temporada de anidación en octubre de cada año. En...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
27 oct 20212 Min. de lectura
Headquarters: Akumal. The sea turtle festival has been celebrated for 19 years at the end of the nesting season in October each year. In...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
8 oct 20212 Min. de lectura
XXVIII Aniversario del Centro Ecológico Akumal
8 de octubre, 2021 En 1971 fue creado lo que ahora se conoce como CENTRO ECOLÓGICO AKUMAL (CEA) con un enfoque orientado en favor de la...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
20 may 20215 Min. de lectura
Casa Fortuna
The fortune of having a sustainable home in Akumal. Hello, I'm Elizabeth Bautista, coordinator of Environmental Education at the Akumal...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
19 mar 20213 Min. de lectura
The first festival of the Mesoamerican Reef System is held in Akumal
Riviera Maya, March 15, 2021. The Mesoamerican Reef System is the second-largest reef system in the world. It constitutes a key place for...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
19 feb 20212 Min. de lectura
We must not only combat climate change but adapt to it: CEA
In Tulum, there is a risk of flooding, salinization of drinking water, and erosion. ROSARIO RUIZ TULUM The strategy against climate...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
18 feb 20213 Min. de lectura
The voices of environmentalists are heard for the citizen agenda of Tulum
Hector Lizárraga Cubedo is appointed as the coordinator of said area. The event was held last Wednesday morning in Akumal. Héctor...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
9 feb 20215 Min. de lectura
AKUMAL.- Con un llamado a la población para que colaboren y se sumen a la campaña de donación para la restauración de los arrecifes de...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
8 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
Are you familiar with Donadora?
Perhaps you are more familiar with Gofundme, Donadora is a Mexican crowdfunding company that is helping us to fulfill our mission. What...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
19 nov 20204 Min. de lectura
Summary of activities Oct-Nov 2020 Coral restoration program in Akumal
Coastal Ecosystems Program, Centro Ecológico Akumal. During the last weeks, the staff of the coastal ecosystems program has been given...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
8 oct 20205 Min. de lectura
CEA imparts training courses to Tulum fishermen and local tourist guides
CEA imparts training courses to Tulum fishermen and local tourist guides, sponsored by the Program of CONANP: PROREST-2020. PROREST it's...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
8 sept 20204 Min. de lectura
Meeting the Voluntourist: Icela Barajas
A group of incredibly dedicated residents has been instrumental in supporting the turtle program, including their help with the not so...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
1 sept 20205 Min. de lectura
Meeting the Voluntourist: Víctor Hugo Alvarado R.
A group of incredibly dedicated residents has been instrumental in supporting the turtle program, including their help with the not so...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
25 ago 20204 Min. de lectura
Meeting the Voluntourist: Anne DeBose
A group of incredibly dedicated residents has been instrumental in supporting the turtle program, including their help with the not so...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
18 ago 20204 Min. de lectura
Meeting the Voluntourist: Cliff & Donna Johnson
A group of incredibly dedicated residents has been instrumental in supporting the turtle program, including their help with the not so...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
11 ago 20207 Min. de lectura
Meeting the Voluntourist: Sheree Gibson
A group of incredibly dedicated residents has been instrumental in supporting the turtle program, including their help with the not so...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
4 ago 20206 Min. de lectura
Meeting the Voluntourist: Warna Jansen
A group of incredibly dedicated residents has been instrumental in supporting the turtle program, including their help with the not so...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
28 jul 20203 Min. de lectura
Meeting the Voluntourist: Monique Matodobra
A group of incredibly dedicated residents has been instrumental in supporting the turtle program, including their help with the not so...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
21 jul 20203 Min. de lectura
Meeting the Voluntourist: Bill & Betsy Miller
A group of incredibly dedicated residents has been instrumental in supporting the turtle program, including their help with the not so...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
10 jul 20202 Min. de lectura
Phase I of the Akumal Coral Reef Restoration Project comes to an end
CENTRO ECOLOGICO AKUMAL (CEA)·FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2020· The Akumal Ecological Center, together with the support of the Akumal Dive Shop and...
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