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Foto del escritorCentro Ecologico Akumal Communications

Nesting season is almost here

It’s almost time! Any day now we are expecting to see the first turtle tracks and/or nests on the beaches of Akumal.

CEA staff and volunteers have been patrolling the beaches for the past few weeks, looking for evidence of beach approaches and nesting activity. So far nothing; no turtle tracks or turtle nests. But any day now.

In the meantime, our staff and volunteers have been busy behind the scenes to gear up for the season.

One of the activities has been beach zoning. Each beach that CEA patrols (Half Moon Bay, Akumal Bay, Jade Bay, and Akumal South) have been divided into 100-meter segments to better track overall nesting locations and beach conditions for data collection.

CEA volunteer paints one of the zone markers.

Another activity that was recently completed was updating the zone markers.

A special thanks to the dedicated volunteers who updated and painted the signs.

We will be updating our website and Facebook pages with information as the season progresses. Stay tuned!

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