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The Place of Turtles--a different perspective

It's time to take a look at Akumal Bay from an alternative perspective. It is said, before you can fully understand a situation or a person, one first must put themselves in the shoes of another, or in this case their fins.

“Akumal Bay is where we should live… Look at this bay! It’s perfect for us. It is protected from the large waves, so we could live in relative calm and it has all the sea grass we want here. How come we had never noticed this bay before? Well, whatever the reason, I think it’s perfect,” he said. And so, they made the decision to make Akumal bay their home; this group of juvenile sea turtles, so happy to have found a place where they would be protected, have food, and enjoy a peaceful existence.

Then one turtle said, “But what if we attract too much attention? What if we are discovered? Then we won’t be left alone and you know how annoying those humans can be when they crowd over us. Maybe we should consider another place? What about a bay with no people?”

Another turtle said, “Look, there are no perfect places to live, and we found a bay with seagrass and the water looks like it’s clean. Why not give it a try? When humans come around us with tanks in the open ocean, they do not chase us or harm us, they just like to take pictures and watch us. Kind of spooky but sometimes it’s fun to play with them a little. And anyway, this bay doesn’t have a lot of people on the beach.”

Another one said, “So let’s do this! You know what this bay is called right? It’s called the Place of the Turtles! Of course, look at the sandy beach areas, where many of our relatives have laid their eggs. And the humans mark the nests and protect them; watching over the beaches at night during nesting season. I’ve seen them! They make sure the momma turtles are safe while laying their eggs and then our little cousins get the royal protection treatment when they are born. So cool!”

“Well, you have a point,” said another turtle, “If these people care about us, they will make sure that we won’t get bothered while we are grazing and hanging out. And you’re right. This beach isn’t that busy. I have seen many other beaches that have tons of people on them, and jet skis in the water, and spear fisherman, and loud music, groups of people being led into the water with leaders that don’t tell them how to behave. So a few people wanting to watch us is fine. Not a big deal. They can look at us all they want, as long as they don’t harass us. And some of these leaders do know how to make their followers behave and not harm us.”

And so began the life of a group of juvenile sea turtles that took up residence in Akumal Bay. Their lives were about to change though. Over time, they noticed more and more people getting in the water to snorkel around them, and life started to become more complicated for them.

One day, the older sea turtle said to the others, “Have you noticed how stressed we are lately? You know why, right? Our natural beauty has been discovered by too many people! These people can’t be all from these buildings on the beach. Different groups come in and out all day and they are brought in with a leader. And the people from the buildings come in early in the morning mostly, and in pairs for the most part, then scattered throughout the day.”

“Looks like we might have a problem here,” added another turtle.

“The problem is people. And if they really loved us so much, they should know that this is going to drive us away or kill us from the stress! And have you noticed? The water isn’t so clean anymore. This concerns me.”

“For the life of me, I can’t figure out why so many people come to see us every single day! What’s the big deal? We swim around and feed and come up for air and do it all over again. Wow, I’m going to start sneaking in to the feeding area and leave as soon as I can!”

“Some of us are getting sick! These lumps can’t be good, but what do we do? I don’t mind humans staring at me; it was fine when we got here. I kind of liked the attention then. But now, I just want them to go away! All of them! Let us have our bay back!”

An older turtle piped up, “Now, come on… this was never our bay. We knew that we had to share it with people when we got here. And it was fine for a while remember? Maybe these same people can figure this out and work on a solution for us. The ones that care. We can only hope!!!! As youngsters, we need to live in the protection of a bay for at least 15 years!”

“Or maybe they can find somewhere else to take their people ? Maybe they can take more people out in boats and have them come underwater with those tanks outside the reef. The ones that don’t chase us.”

And then one late afternoon, the turtles heard loud noises and saw lights being thrown, something that they had never seen before, and a lot of angry people shouting and carrying signs and sticks. They stayed hovering around, but agitated about the commotion. The next morning they convened to try to figure out what that was all about.

“This is about us you know! Those people that care for us might want to make sure we don’t suffer any more because of so many people in the bay. Maybe they have noticed that there are less of us left here. I know that’s why they put those things on our fins and measure us and take our blood. I know we have no choice in the matter, but it doesn’t hurt and they want to know more about us. I sense those people want to help protect us.”

“How do you know these people are fighting about us?” a young turtle asked.

“Well,” an elder answered, “because when I first got here, there was peace on that beach. I sensed happiness. That’s why I stayed. I have observed a change in them though, and the more people that come in with those silly things that float on them, the worse it’s gotten.”

“Those silly things that float on them have also helped us you know. They don’t kick as much or stir up the sand that covers our seagrass. I don’t care what they wear as long as it keeps them away from our food and our fellow marine life, the coral."

“Look, let’s not us argue about what is going on! Whatever it is, these people in the bay are affecting us. Humans are supposed to protect us, and some clearly are. They stay at a good distance from us, they don’t stick those long sticks in our faces, and they don’t touch us. They know how to swim and not kick up the sand too. Why can’t they make everyone do that and keep us from being overcrowded by too many of them? You know, live in harmony!”

After a long talk amongst themselves, they made the choice to watch and wait and then decide whether they should remain in this bay that is called the Place of the Turtle.

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