We focus every day on distributing information, working with communities and solving environmental problems, which will make Akumal closer and closer to sustainability, guaranteeing an environmental heritage for future generations.
Akumal has a population of about 2000 residents yet is visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world on an annual basis. Many locals depend economically on the environment and the resources this bay offers—from snorkelling tours to fishing charters, rentals and restaurants.
Akumal’s future relies on a well-educated public to be stewards of the very environment that sustains us, our families and communities, and future generations.
Program Objective
The main objective of the Environmental Education Program is to raise awareness, explore environmental issues, engage in problem-solving and take action to improve the environment by collaborating with the local community and public schools in Akumal.
We believe that environmental education can give individuals a deeper understanding on various issues facing Akumal and provide the skills to make informed and responsible decisions to find the balance between economic prosperity and environmental sustainability.
Our Work
CEA has established environmental education courses and classes at local elementary and high schools. We work closely with the people from Akumal, Chemuyil and surrounding towns. The purpose is to create awareness of the fragility of Akumal, Quintana Roo and the Yucatan Peninsula, providing emphasis on:
The local aquifer and underground rivers—from the water cycle to learning how to conserve and protect this resource
The diverse ecosystems in the area and the flora and fauna that inhabit them
The impact of climate change on the local ecosystems
Waste management, including distribution, consumption and disposal of products that pollute our land, water and air and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) to help conserve natural resources and reduce pollution
Taking action for a sustainable community


Volunteers can get involved with the Environmental Education Program by helping with classes (in Spanish) or helping with various upcoming events and workshops. There is always something going on!
Students from the local high school participate in a cleanup (left) and take a field trip to understand how items are recycled (right).
CEA participates in special events and community projects to deliver information and further the mission of education and conservation. Activities include:
Participating as a committee member of “Keep Akumal Clean” which organizes town-wide cleanups with the local school kids, community organizations and businesses
Celebrating special days through educational talks or activities such as World Water Day, International Day of the Sea Turtle, and Earth Day
Working as part of the organizing committee for the annual Marine Turtle Festival

Children partake in activities at their school (left) for Earth Day, and (right) for World Water Day festivities held in Tulum.