Por más de 20 años, el Centro Ecológico ha estado protegiendo a las tortugas que anidan y eclosionan a lo largo de las costas de Akumal.
Su adopción simbólica permite que el Programa de Protección de Tortugas Marinas continúe patrullando las playas para monitorear y proteger a estas majestuosas criaturas en peligro de extinción.
For more than 20 years Centro Ecológico has been protecting nesting and hatching turtles along the shores of Akumal.
Your symbolic adoption allows the Sea Turtle Protection Program to continue to patrol the beaches to monitor and protect this endangered and majestic creature.

Tortuga Turtle

Nido de tortuga
Turtle Nest

Familia de Tortugas
Turtle Family
Su adopción incluye:
Un certificado oficial de adopción, enviado vía correo en formato PDF.
Su adopción incluye:
Un certificado oficial de adopción, enviado vía correo en formato PDF.
Resultados del nido al eclosionar en su bandeja de entrada.
Su adopción incluye:
Un certificado oficial de adopción, enviado vía correo en formato PDF.
Actualizaciones y datos sobre su familia de tortugas
Una foto de su nido adoptado
Your adoption includes:
An official adoption certificate, sent via mail in PDF format.
Your adoption includes:
An official adoption certificate, mailed in PDF format.
You will be able to name a mother turtle and you will be given the number of the metal tag for tracking.
Regular updates of your turtle.
Its adoption includes:
An official adoption certificate, sent via mail in PDF format.
Updates and facts about your turtle family
A photo of your adopted nest
Adoptions/donations charged through this website are processed by CEA's U.S. fiscal sponsor, the Yucatan Environmental Foundation (YEF), and thus are tax deductible in the U.S. You will first receive an order confirmation and then, when your order is processed, a YEF receipt, which you should print for your tax records.

Apoye los esfuerzos de conservación de CEA haciendo una donación
Support CEA's conservation efforts by making a donation.
Para Donaciones por PayPal a YEF
For CEA Donations.
Donations charged through this website are processed by CEA's U.S. fiscal sponsor, the Yucatan Environmental Foundation (YEF), and thus are tax deductible in the U.S. You will first receive an order confirmation and then, when your order is processed, a YEF receipt, which you should print for your tax records.