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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
11 abr 20172 Min. de lectura
Temporary suspension lifted; snorkel with turtles tours start again despite no protection plan
On Friday, April 7, 2017, SEMARNAT (the federal environment agency) re-issued permits for “snorkel with turtles” to service providers,...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
12 dic 20162 Min. de lectura
Snorkelers rescued at the mouth of Akumal Bay
On Monday, December 5, 2016, at 2:30 in the afternoon, three snorkelers got caught in the strong outgoing current at the mouth of Akumal...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
3 oct 20161 Min. de lectura
Who are the authorities in Akumal?
We get frequent inquiries about who are the authorities in Akumal in relation to the Fish Refuge and the Refuge for Protected Marine...
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Centro Ecologico Akumal Communications
28 jul 20163 Min. de lectura
Changes in Akumal Bay
As most readers are aware Akumal Bay Refuge for Protected Species was declared earlier this year, March 7 to be exact. READ MORE It...
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